Episode 28: Jay Pitts, ClinCept

Jay Pitts is the President and CEO of ClinCept, a clinical research company committed to providing clinical research studies to communities across the Southeastern U.S. He has a BS in Biology and over 20 years of experience in the healthcare, pharmaceutical, and medical research industries. As the owner of ClinCept, Jay is a trusted resource that provides education on the importance of clinical research to his local community. As a result, he routinely dedicates time to host health fairs, speak to support groups, and collaborate with hospitals, medical clinics, and physician practices. His vision is to incorporate medical research with healthy lifestyles and inspire others to do the same.

 In this episode we discuss the importance of community engagement, customer service in clinical trials, and true patient centricity.

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Episode 29: Patient Recruitment, volume 1


Episode 27: Elizabeth Weeks-Rowe